Monday, March 2, 2015


Yesterday I visited the new house and observed a great deal of positive progress.  The cabinets have gone in and the hardwood floor has been laid in the kitchen.  And the kitchen has been painted and the color is perfect.  Today the last of the cabinets go in and tomorrow they get the templates for the granite countertops.  The appliances should be in this week.  The bathroom is almost done, save for the medicine chest, lights and some grouting.  So I am hoping once the bathroom is finished the floors get sanded and finished.  Right now it is looking like I can move in at the end of March.  Needless to say I am getting more and more excited.  So, instead of relaxing last night I was up most of the night doing some sorting of papers and packing my files up.  I finally fell asleep about 2:30, only to be awoken by a twenty two pound cat jumping on my face.  Normally it is Simcha who likes to do that but this morning it was the big guy and it was 4:30.  I guess two hours of sleep is enough.  Yankel, the bugger, managed to scratch my lip and royally piss me off.  Needless to say that was not the awakening I was hoping for

Today is my last Hyphen for two weeks.  I am a little anxious about that.  My moods have been bouncing from one extreme to the other. Psychiatrist and his staff are still available, but I can usually email Hyphen and get a comforting chuck under the chin email back from her.  By the time she returns I will be almost ready to move and in crunch mode.  I would like to move on the 25thmof March and take the following week off to settle in.

I am taking JB to the house today and will take some in progress photos.  I am sure Brad will be putting in the last of the cabinets.  We can talk final details then like "The Move".  Yes, Brad is moving me.  Sunrise is packing me.  The packing I am doing is sheer nervous energy.  The living room is a mess.  Crammed full of boxes.  And cat carriers.  And nervous energy...

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