Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Another day, another Magic Plastic Tuna

So the long day of the soul lasted well into the midnight hours.  I spent money at Lowe's and Menard's and met Dan the Man at the last stop of the day and he took me home.  We had late coffee and signed papers and was able to make me solvent again.  After Dan left I saw I had an urgent voice mail from Sophie Handelman.  It seems The Viper, AKA Patricia the crazed woman in my soon to be former condo building, wrote Sophie a long note, out of the blue I might add, about needing help with some of her varied and sundry health issues.  Let me be the first to point out she has only met Sophie twice and yet she felt she could impose on her kindness.  She needed to be carted to doctors' appointments and the like.  Let me also be the first to point out Patricia has a car and a driver's license but she claims to have situational agoraphobia and is unable to leave her condo except to get her hair and nails done and go to doctors.  Sophie was in a Czarina-style tizzy.  So after becalming her with words of wisdom I puttered about the condo and ordered in some pizza and lunch for the girls today.  The pizza was not what I wanted at the point when it came.  I ate very little.  I decided to call a few friends and give them the update on the new house and see if I couldn't settle myself down enough to eat a little something and get some good sleep.  Along about 10:30, still wide awake and puttering and also kinda hungry, I ordered in my own sandwich for lunch today and tried to eat the salad from the pizza place for a late snack instead of saving it for today's lunch.  Alas, that was not what I wanted either.  So hungry and awake I watched the TV until after 1:00 and got about four hours of sleep.  So when I left for work this morning I thought the flag across the street was flying at me, much like the vaunted flying monkeys out of the Wizard of Oz.  Yes, a little sleep deprived, or depraved as the case may be.

Today I was going to have the accountant drop off my taxes but I think I will call him and have him hold on to them until after I move and after I have the financial wherewithal to pay the tax bill.  That way I won't have the chance to misplace the vouchers to send off to the state and federal tax people.

Okay, the Magic Plastic Tuna, who I might add is also very toxic, is holding forth this morning and the noise is getting to me.  Yakking away as she is, oblivious to the fact that she is as annoying to me as she claims everyone else is to her.  It is time to work.  It is after 7:00.  So like a good Do Be I am getting to work and plugging into La Traviata on the iPod.  Ah, Bubbles, sing me a good drinking song.

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