Monday, March 9, 2015


Here it is 1:00 a.m. Or is it midnight?  Whatever...I am wide awake and raring to go.  To go to what I don't know but I am ready.  Couldn't get to sleep until 11:00 or was it 10:00 p.m.  Now I am wide awake worrying as if I do manage to get to sleep I will sleep past 5:30 or will it really be 4:30 and be late for my ride to work.

Be that as it may, last Friday, and it really was Friday, I went to Sam's and got some more items for the new home, including a TV I will put in the bedroom with an idea of actually sleeping in a real bed and not sleeping in a recliner every night as I do now and have for a number of years.  I used to have insomnia to the point that I would lay awake half the night and then some, angry that I couldn't sleep, finally getting out of bed at 3:00a.m. and leaving for work by 4:30, idling for two hours at work before actually starting work at 7:00.  Now I have the TV on all night and do not fight the urge to stay awake.  I just drift off and on into a slumber that is little less chaotic than when I slept in an actual bed.  So, having purchased a bed and mattress for the house, along with 1,000 thread count sheets and lovely quilts and comforters, I am going to endeavor to sleep in that bed.  And having a TV in the bedroom might make this goal a reality.  This insomnia dates back my whole life.  Sundays were the worse and still are.  I would sneak into my grandmother's bedroom and slip into the other bed in the room and lay awake half the night listening to her radio and Mike Whorf all night until I would slip back into my own room before my dad got up at 6:30.  I did this for years.  Well, at least until I was sixteen.  Sometimes I would place a life sized doll in my bed to give the illusion that I was in bed in case my dad or mom would check in on me.  Never got busted.

Now as it moves closer to the time to move I am entering panic mode.  I have some items packed and ready to go to the house but so much more remains to be packed.  Sunrise Construction and Miscellany is going to pack me up by it just seems like so much has to get packed.  For example I have given the futon to a friend.  The cats will be losing a bed for their beds for a few weeks but I will be losing something to hide things under the futon like more cat beds and snow shoes.  I spoke with Brad last night and the game plan is the appliances go in Tuesday so I am thinking of taking the contents of the freezer over there on Thursday.  And that will be one less thing to pack and move on the 25th.  Brad said they can paint the house next weekend and then they can move ahead and start refinishing the floors from the bedrooms to the front of the house over the course of two weekends.  Still looks like I will be moving on the 25th.  Toni will be coming this coming Sunday to help with the kitchen, and packing up what I can.  I think I can also have my current linen closet packed up and moved to the new house.  I am about to start listing.  Not like leaning to one side, more like making lists of things to do.  Maybe break things down into smaller projects and get ready to move.  I ordered two more soft sided cat carriers for the cats as the big ones are really too bulky and may no longer be sturdy enough to take the big guy Yankel over to the new house.  And also ordered more treats to make the move a smoother transition for the boys.

So, right now I am going to endeavor to rest and mayhap sleep a while more.  Gastric will be back at work Monday.  I trust she will understand that if I am in panic mode that is isn't about her.  It is about me right now.  No Hyphen for ten days.  Moving angst.  Coordinating the move, all these things are contributing to my agitation.  I am also dealing with my housekeeper whom I may have to let go as she is proving to be unreliable and a consumer of certain illegal substances that make her less attractive as a cleaning lady.  I already told her she can only clean when I am home and only if she does not come high.  I may have to let her go.  I know she needs the money but I need the peace of mind that she is not giving me right now.

So, it is Excelsior! And on to sleepy time bye bye.

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