Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Sleep don't fail me now

Took two Restorils, which are very mild prescription sleeping pills. And here I am two hours later wide awake and writing on the progress of the house, Sans Souci.  The appliances arrived and were installed without incident.  Thursday JB and are are taking the contents of the freezer over there as one less thing to move on the 25th.  I also hear that the bedrooms and hallway were painted as a prelude to the floors in those areas being refinished.  All systems go for a March 25th move in date.

Alright, the cats are going wild; more specifically Gonif is running like a mad man thorough the house.  It is obvious to me he didn't have much success sleeping either.  Getting ready to attack the sleeping Simcha and they are off and running.  So of course sleep now will be delayed even longer as we wait for the cats to burn themselves out.  Yankel is quietly resting in the bathtub.  Yowser.  I suspect this sleep/wake pattern will continue for me until the move and a little beyond.

What doth concern moi? Well, mayhap it is the idea that I will be sleeping north to south in my new bed on the east side of the street, whereas I grew up sleeping east to west on the west side of the street.  That change concerns me.  I don't know why.  And really, the only proper way to get the bed into the bedroom will be to sleep north to south.  Ah, and Ursula the Ulcer is being a little loud of late.  Calm down.  It's just the rest of your life calling.  Some antacids will help with the tummer.

I spoke with Daniel and I got the ok to plan on putting in two rose beds this spring.  I'd also like the go ahead to purchase a new washer and dryer set.  Might as well get that over with.  I think that once two things are a true go I may, that is MAY sleep a little better.

Maybe I will write Brad and see if we can't go shopping for the washer and dryer,  maybe he will see the time stamp on the email and know I am fretting about that.  Really, however, it is Sans cares.  Things are going well and I will be moved in two weeks.  Just wishing it were over.  But enough with wishing my life away.  I should indulge in living the next few weeks, disruption and all. Maybe this weekend I will move the music room stuff out into the living room so I can get the bulk of that room packed up so only the cats' futon and beds are there.  I may tell the house keeper no not come again until after the move.  No point in cleaning now.  I will have her come in when I am out and do a thorough cleaning, fridge and all.   That way I can have the talk about her not using marijuana before she cleans my house.  And maybe that can be a prelude to the discussion about possibly letting her go if she doesn't do so.

So I think that will be the note I will leave for her tomorrow.  And maybe having made that decision I can try to sleep again tonight.  Sans Souci or not things must go forward.

Post script

After a two hour frenzy of packing and cleaning I may be ready to rest.  Still, I have to be up in less than three hours.  Good luck kiddo!

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