Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Another less than restful night

Yep, after a miserable dinner, or lack thereof, I managed to fall asleep only to awaken 'round midnight with a cat on my head and an aching in my heart.  Well, at least half of that is true.  That is the part about the cat on my head.  Simcha loves to sleep on my head and/or face depending on his mood and my position.  Last night it was full frontal facery.  And for the next few hours as I endeavored to fall back to sleep he would move on my face for a better position and then drool in absolute contentment and I, bathed in cat drool, would wipe my face and change positions in the hopes that he would move to the top on my head like a veritable kitty yarmulke.  Along about 4:00 a.m. I finally feel back to sleep to awaken at 5:15 with Gonif on my chest sleeping peacefully and not wanting to move and Simcha moved to the couch in Yankel's favorite spot and Yankel being the odd cat out.  I am hoping once I have a bedroom again this will be less of a problem.  Maybe I should have gotten a bigger bed.  Hell No.  They can make do on the couch.  The bedroom would be overwhelmed by a king sized bed.  No, best we all learn to make due and if worse comes to worse I can close the bedroom door (now there's a concept) and deal with them banging on the door and meowing to be let in.  Nothing is worse for a critter than to be on the wrong side of the door.

Today I hope to lose this headache and then shop after work.  Then a quiet evening would be loverly.  And a good night's sleep. Ah, to sleep, perchance to dream...

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