Thursday, March 12, 2015

The not-so-big-sleep

I was exhausted last night, especially after the session of reflexology, so I ordered Chinese food in for dinner and lunch today.  Only problem with that was I forgot to order Gastric's cashew chicken so I placed a second delivery order about four minutes after my order arrived.  I thought for a second they forgot the order but then I realized it was my bad and much to my chagrin I had to place a second order, to which the delivery person was a bit bemused but delivered nonetheless.  Such was my level of sleep deprivation.  I did manage to get about three hours of good sleep last night so I am feeling bright and refreshed this morning.

Today Brad and I go shopping for a washer and dryer set.  There is an old one in the new house but I don't trust how well it may have been maintained so I want to start anew.  Nothing fancy like those high efficiency ones they are touting.  Just a basic washer and dryer is sufficient.

Less than two weeks and I move.  This weekend I will pack up a large part of the kitchen.  I was going to run the frozen food over there today but the search for the washer and dryer will preclude that mission.  But I can pack the pots and pans I want to take as well as those I can donate.  Pack the cupboards up.  I told the current housekeeper not to clean the next two weeks as it would be too crazy in the condo for a good cleaning.  That said I told her to clean the week after I move out and really clean the fridge and oven and do a better job on the bath tub.  Then, by gosh and by gum, I am going to get a new housekeeper.  One that does not smoke dope before cleaning.  A friend from work recommended someone and I spoke with him last night and liked the fact that he uses all natural and organic cleaning products.  Makes more sense with the cats.  To wit, my housekeeper called to tell me one of the cats was ill and she cleaned it up.  I think she was fishing for extra money but all it did was to make me very anxious at work.  When I got home all was well, including all the cats.

And that, gentle reader, is the morning report.  Mayhap more to come.

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