Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Yiddish for Newbies

So, I could plotz!  What does this mean? I  am including a link to a Yiddish glossary.  Enjoy:

Yiddish for Newbies

I am plotzing about the house and all the good things, Kaynahorah.

Zen Judaism...
Mr. Popowitz is called as a witness in a trial.
"How old are you?" asks the D.A.
"I am, kaynahoreh, ninety-one."
"Excuse me? What did you say?"
"I said, I am, kaynahoreh, ninety-one years old."
"Sir, please just answer the question with no embellishments," yelled the frustrated D.A.. "I ask you again, How old are you!?"
"I told you. Kaynahoreh, I'm ninety-one."
The D.A. is very angry. The judge is also losing his patience. He instructs, "The witness will answer the question simply and plainly or be held in contempt of court!"
The defense lawyer rises and approached the bench. "Your Honor, I think I can resolve this. May I ask?"
"If you can get this trial moving, please, be my guest."
"Mr. Popowitz, let me ask, kaynahoroh, how old are you?"
Popowitz replies, "Ninety-one"

Happy New Year.

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