Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A "sad" post about Sophie

No, nothing has happened to good old Soph.  It's just that I won't be around for lunches the rest of the week.  So, she seems to have developed an illness that precludes her from coming in today, and, my guess, the rest of the week as I won't be around.  Seems she gets sick a lot more when I am not available.  You know, Soph, you can take vacation time.  You don't have to call in sick when I suspect the illness is nothing more than "anal glaucoma".  Someone might put your absences together with the times I am not around and make the connection.  I know, new month (six days into the new month?  Really?) and you have new sick time, but stop making yourself sick just to have the time off.  I don't doubt you may have gotten a headache, but the good news is with a little planning and some good attention to detail and you could actually take a vacation day and enjoy an lovely spring day off without the burden of illness. 

I hope this doesn't sound to snarky, but as Ms. Kim and I were walking up to the library I said to her (no shit) "I bet Sophie won't be in today" and sure enough I get to my desk and there is a little red light indicating a phone message and, to be honest, once I saw the phone number it was from I deleted the message before listening to it.  There, Soph, the truth is out.  I don't listen to your messages when you call in.  Especially when I know ahead of time you are probably not going to be in today, and most likely the rest of the week.  Really, a five day weekend???

And what do I have to do today.  Well, I went to bed at 11:00 p.m. and got up at 4:18 a.m. to the dulcet tones of the raccoon at the squirrel proof bird feeder.  Got ready for work and practiced music for forty five minutes.  Got to work just before 6:00 and wrote down this, that's James Taylor.  I will walk to the pharmacy and get  my precious Prednisone.  Additionally, I will walk to my Area Rep training for my Union at noon.  Back again about 1:15 and will finish up my day with a walk home.  Then the work in the yard starts.  About 7:30 tonight I will clean up and light the grill for a lovely steak supper.  Bed again at 11:00.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  Tomorrow, another union luncheon...a session on social media in the work place.  Friday a lunch with the girls to be followed by therapy (head shrinking) and a hair cut (more head shrinking).  And news is, Soph, I won't be around Monday for lunch either, as I have another meeting with the Union as part of my training.  What'cha gonna do? (who ya gonna call?...Ghostbusters?). 

Okay, this has been the morning whine list.  Drink at your own peril.

The Authority Czarina (there, that hasn't been said enough lately)...

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