Thursday, May 7, 2015

The No Motion Light Rag (up tempo for the little mfs)

No raccoons last night (that I am aware of).  I moved the bird feeder of delight and neither can s/he get up the pole nor  can s/he be seen trying to work his/her magic on a squirrel proof bird feeder.  Then filled up the feeders for the assorted finches and nuthatches, sparrows and robins.

Quite the night.  I was at Mrs.  Shankland's house across the street until almost dark. That lady can sure talk.  Soph called once when I was out working in the yard and left a voice mail that can only be described as pitiful.  Then I had a very late supper and went  to bed. I know...not good.  Today is another Union presentation as well as my therapeutic reflexology session.  Then a walk to further relax.  Tonight , weather permitting I shall grill sausages and peppers. I  have some lovely tomatoes, too. Maybe head on over to Panera's and get a baguette. 

Better than even money today Soph will not be in.  Why,  oh Lord, why?  Why do I even bother.  My backup plan today is for Deby to pick me up after work.  Once Sophie gets/give herself permission to have a migraine and gets a shot she can be gone for up to three days.  Every month.  Like clockwork. 

MyChronic Migraines...Gotta love them.

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