Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Lessons resume

I had my first mandolin lesson of the year last night and basically I am learning anew and on the right path this time.  My hands, especially my picking hand, is swollen from arthritis and beating up on walls from my crazier days.  Good thing I see the rheumatologist today, eh?  I will do most things short of taking a biologic, like Humira.  That is my last resort.  I am hoping I get on a short term of Prednisone, either a shot or pills, to get the swelling down.   I have a long list of dos and don'ts for the mandolin, which seems to go out the window when I pick up my guitar.  But, unlike last week, I can finger pick some on the guitar.  Really need to warm up first and maybe it would be better to begin with the guitar. Who knows?

The Magic Plastic Tuna totally ignores me now.  Looks right through me.  Oh, well.  At least I didn't sleep with the ridiculous, emaciated and self important Shelver Extraordinaire.  That is going to be my retort to she if she verbally assaults me again...it's in my back pocket. 

Sophie is beginning a walking program and I am so proud of her.  It's not easy to get physically active once you have been so sedimentary.  A new pair of shoes and both she and Ethel Nussbaum are new women.  Yesterday Soph and I walked a tad and I showed her a few stretches I found useful.  Then, as it was a glorious spring day out, we sat on the patio of the library and chatted while enjoying the weather. 

They, whoever they are, have promised us rain for the last several days and yet it hasn't rained enough for my roses.  I still go home and soak them every night while I take my evening constitutional.  Today I will get home late because of the rheumatology appointment.  Late walk and a late supper of steak on the grill and some roasted corn.  Gonif should like the steak.  He now is turning his nose up at rotisserie chicken but loves chicken from the grill.  Having been cooped up in a third floor condo for almost nineteen years I do so enjoy having a deck and a porch.  I grill almost every night.  The backyard is lousy with lilacs and I am putting another one in.  The patio blocks are in and Joe will lay them this week.  And the Adirondack chairs and table come this week.  By the 15th, when we go see my mandolin teacher in concert, we just might come home and have a fire in the fire pit and drink fake beer.  Yepper, sit around the fire and enjoy the spring night.  It is light out almost until 9:00.  Have I mentioned this is my very favorite time of year?  I do pretty good from December to June, as the days get progressively longer, but less so July through December as the days are getting shorter, even if in July it is light out until 10, it is shrinking every day.  That's my take on it.

So, rheumatologist today, walk when I get home, if it is not raining and although there is rain in the forecast I don't believe it for a minute.

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