Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I am busy today, Ain't I?

Well, the Magic Plastic Tuna has been clearing her throat this morning, all morning, every few seconds, or so it seems.  Maybe received a bad batch of ganja.  Or a pollen attack.  But...I am about ready to inflict some serious trauma to her.  The incessant throat clearing would not be so bod, in and of itself, were it not for the fact that it is followed by a little high pitched sigh and even my music can't cover up the sound, no matter how loud I play my iPod.  Ahem, sigh, ahem, sigh...over and over again.  Some days it is not this bad but today is just an exceptional day.

Okay, so maybe I am in a little discomfort from the arthritis in my hands, which making it difficult to type.  My hands feel like they are on fire.  I have a call into the rheumatologist as the burning is new.  Maybe the Prednisone will alleviate the discomfort and I will turn into a charming young lady.  Oh who am I foolin?  I hurt and I am going to be a bitch today.  I am not always a bitch.  Just kidding, go fux yourself!

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