Monday, May 25, 2015

Flipper fled

So, I was "friends" with this person named Flipper on Fitbit.  I was always number three to her and her husband's two and one respectively.  Today I was out for my morning walk and checked my mileage on my iPhone and guess what? Flipper has left the building.  So I was teasing her about besting her Saturday and Sunday.  So I taunted her.  Seemed to have be a good natured competition.  I guess not  as she has removed me as one of her friends.  Granted I am competitive but not to the point of unfriending them just for besting me.

Well, will it or won't it rain today?  It is sure blowing up a storm, but the sun is out and the humidity is down.  I need to know should I water the flowers in today.  Also, I might like to take another walk but won't as I am not sure if and when it will rain.

I had a big surprise this morning.  I leave a light on in the living room and lo and behold the light and the wall and ceiling by the light were covered with gnats.  So when I went on my errands this morning I stopped at my new home away from home, Ace Hardware, and picked up a fruit fly tap.  And a straw hat (just for good measure).  Thanks to the hat and the trap the gnats are gone.  Don't know how they got in, unless it was a hatching in the house from something I brought in.  Oh, bother.  It's always something.

I have been fighting  headaches all weekend.  I think it is the weird weather.  It is just a changing so fast.  Yesterday was better than today. I was able to lay a row of edging in the rose garden and take three long walks.  Today I just went out twice, once for errands and the other to get my Fitbit count in before the expected rain came.  And now I am waiting for that rain and my head is pounding. Not exactly the way you want to spend your three day weekend.

Next Monday I start my summer schedule of Mondays off.  Having a high school friend over for a ladies' luncheon.  I am hoping my former supervisor will come another Monday but so far she has not responded to my email.

And that's the way it is....pffft

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