Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Joy of joys and miracle of miracles redux

I received an email yesterday from Hyphen, in her recuperating mode from a rehab facility.  I was privy to the extent of her injuries, which were/are considerable and she said some things about her progress and her will and desire to return to practice, albeit in as long as a year.  But her progress, to date has been remarkable.  She is one determined lady to get back to some semblance of a normal life and return home to her loved ones and her garden.  And. Dear readers, I felt special that I was contacted by her, mayhap her first email outside of her family.  And I thought "maybe I will resume with her after a year's time".  The Bird may be the temporary word.

I think in regards to the Bird I may have to go back and have more talk therapy and less of the EMDR, which seems like hippie magic to me.  I just don't get it, like I just don't get meditation.  My mind wanders and not always to a happy place.  EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is similar to meditation, in or om a sense, in that you learn where your safe place is emotionally and how to get back to it when you are stressed or processing a stressful situation (trauma for example).  I suspect Hyphen will do some of this for herself, given the traumatic nature of her injuries and the extent.  But for me the jury is out on the efficacy of the treatment.  I may ask (insist) that The Bird and I do more trauma work for me (yes, I have endured many a trauma) in a talk therapy situation rather than EMDR, which, to be honest, I have been less than honest with her about its impact, or lack thereof on me.  Maybe down the road I can use some aspects of it but really it is like teaching vegan dietary rules to a cannibal, I being that cannibal.  My safe space is my new home and even when I am happy the negative thoughts creep in.  For example. I was in my happy space, rubbing the Gonif Cat's tummy when I thought "in time, baby, I may have to put you to sleep".  Where that came from and why, in a happy place the thought crept in, is beyond my scope of comprehension.  I guess I am a glass half full girl, or maybe an empty glass is more apropos.  Of what? Who knows.

So these are my morning musings.  Fred and Ethel, the ducks I christened earlier this week, seem to be nesting on south side of the library grounds.  I will take corn to feed them when I go for my morning constitutional at 10:00.  As opposed to my evening constitutional at 6:30.  Maybe a nice night for a walk to Jersey Giant to get a submarine sandwich that Gonif likes so much.  Either than or grill tonight and make a chicken breast for the Gonif Cat on the grill as I also cook my steak.  It's a win-win situation whatever.

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