Friday, May 8, 2015

Did ya miss me?

No cable, no phone, no internet...a triple play of my own last night.  Took a sleeping pill and went to bed as soon as it was dark enough to calm my fevered brow, which was actually not fevered. Well, maybe a little over the lack of necessary technology.

I see the sky is ligthening.  Summer is a coming in.   The rhododendrons are losing their flowers and I am afraid the photo of me and Sans Souci will have to wait a year.  Or until I get my hair cut today...

Short day at work...early lunch with the girls and then I have therapy.  Finally a much needed haircut.  I will need to put some plants in today and then the final rose bushes will come tomorrow and hopefully the rain holds off until I have planted them. Then a nice soaking rain would be loverly.  I was going out to Williamston on Tuesday to get some perennials for my yard but now I have to stay at work until 5:00 for training.  Yippee.  In reality I need not any more perennials but I must visit with a friend.  Wednesday next I am busy as well.  Oh, goodness...anyway the training.  I hope The Magic Plastic Tuna will retire before the new cataloging utility is put in place July 1.  Be nice. I've seen it happen with the Soul Sucker.  It could happen...I am just saying.

Well, I seem to be very tired from my ordeals of yesterday.  Off to get another Coke.  Must...Have...CAFEEINE!!!

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