Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Gracious good morning

And damn it's cold. Not too unusual this time of year, really, but, Damn! It's cold.  I am glad I haven't planted my annuals yet.  This weekend, however, the deed will get done,   Moss roses to go in my rose bed, which is in need of some weeding again.

My patio and path were installed yesterday, another cool day.  Good day for Joe to put the patio in.  Looks great.  My shady grass is perking up in the front yard and I have my evening primrose set to arrive next week, along with some ornamental grasses.  Bought a pair of hedge trimmers yesterday prior to having dinner with friends,  so I can clean up the yard this long weekend and have it look fabulous for the next cookout.  Some colleagues are coming in a few weeks for a cookout.  Additionally, I am having a old girl friend from high school (my gosh, that is old) come in June for a "ladies' lunch" of  a spring frittata and fruit salad.  Starting  in June I will have Mondays off so I can go to therapy after a afternoon of puttering, fussing and doing what I love to do.  Also I will have my former boss over for another luncheon as she missed th opening day party.

I wrote a new "tune" this morning,  I hesitate to call it a song in its nascent state and given  my compositional skills seems similar yet not the same as an earlier compost, as it were, entitled Winging It.  Still it is pretty as an instrumental and it helps me to practice a tremolo on the mandolin.  This week I teach a few guitar lessons and catch up with students I have neglected during the move.  See how much they can recall.  And that will be a prelude to a long weekend.

And good news.  I'm number three amongst my friends on FitBit.  I managed to put in over 21,000 steps yesterday and wiped the floor Flipper.  That will be short lived.  But, YAHOO anyway.

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