Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The motion sensing light out back...

As a newbie to ranch style home living it concerned me when late at night or very early in the a. Of m.  I would awaken to find mt backyard flooded with light.  What or who could it be I wondered.  Surely it is not some personage creeping in my yard.  Well, this morning I found a rather large raccoon nibbling at a squirrel proof bird feeder that it had apparently learned how to make it his own.  I rapped on the window and it waddled off, or rather sauntered, not a care in the world, the Einstein of critters.  So that is what has been setting the light off.  I knew I had raccoons from the frequent raids on the city issued garbage dumpsters, which prompted the use of bungee cords on said dumpster.  But who knew?  Who knew a raccoon could be in a squirrel proof bird feeder and had eaten quite a bit of seed before scampering off...and the light is still blazing.  No new raccoon at the bird feeder.  Who would have thought instead of the sparrows, finches and chickadees  I would be getting the late night crowd of raccoons, post pub crawl, coming to the feeder for a pre-bedtime snack at my feeder, the Denny's of all bird feeders.  Or maybe it is the Theio's of  East Lansing to my neighbors The Green Door. Anyways, it is rocking out back to the sultry rhythms of a spring night.

And, as it approaches dawn, the sky coming to life ever so gradually, I must prepare to leave for a day of unions lunches and walks to the pharmacy to get the Prednisone I was hoping the rheumatologist would prescribe.  My hands ache and it is a real feat in the morning to turn the alarm clock off with a hand that has multiple fingers asleep and tingly.  I did practice the mandolin this morning.  It is getting better every day but my hands just ache.  And actually when it is  most swollen is it burns with pain.  I sure hope that the Prednisone does its magic. And soon.

More goodies arrive from Wayside Gardens today.  A yellow lilac bush.  Did I mention that the backyard is lousy with lilacs?  It is, but not a yellow one.  Well, now it will have a new one along the north fence line.  Anemones coming for the Hyphen' tribute garden to join the herbs.  But I will definitely move the bird feeder away from the house and hopefully out of reach of the raccoons.  And out of reach of the herbs and anemones.

Brightening still the day is coming to life, and slumbering raccoons, all tucked in their beds, which hopefully is not in my garage.  They probably have a hammock at my youthful neighbors.

And so,it goes...

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