Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Music lessons

I swear my mandolin teacher has more patience and wherewithal than Job.  I really suck at times and the sad thing is I know when I screw up and know the mistakes I am and can make and I still make them.  I know I should basically pick down up but I'll get into a down down and know it and make adjustments halfway through which throws my left hand off and I stop playing the notes as written.  Fifty years with the guitar and I can handle that...but I am not taking guitar lessons.  I don't know why I wanted to learn the mandolin.  At one point I thought I could teach myself.  After all it is a stringed instrument.  So I ordered one and had no clue how to sting or tune it.  So lessons were in order.  I still have Marshall Music string all my instruments  but especially the mandolin as it doesn't have a fixed bridge, much like a violin but not much like a guitar. So anyway I suck. Practice and more practice, even as my hands grow more arthritic.

Therapy...well, I know the Bird wants me to do EMDR with her but I don't fully buy into it.  We had a good talk session yesterday as I did a trauma recital of my youth and adulthood.  Nothing resolved itself but much to work on.  God, I miss Hyphen.  Her liberal use of expletives made for good therapy.  I know not if she will practice again, unlike me who practices daily, but I would go back to her. We were working on so much and were at a pivotal point when she was hurt.  Now I have to bring the Bird up to speed and go through the same crap all over again, while feeling like she'd rather I be more compliant with her use of EMDR.

Well on to other things.  Tonight I take my evening walk at 5:30 or so and go meet friends for dinner. It's still light enough at 8:00 that I can walk my circuit home.  Maybe even stop at Kroger.  It's light until after 9:00 at night.  But soon, in about a month, we will devolve into shorter days and nights in a descent into Fall.  I actually prefer the winter solstice to the summer as it means the days start getting longer again.  A minute here and there but more light every day.  The summer solstice brings summer but also the turn around point of the year.  Once my birthday hits it's a downward slippery slope into autumn.

More later.  Or not...

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