Friday, May 15, 2015

More of Hyphen

I received the more formal snail mail yesterday from Hyphen and got more details of the accident.  Apparently the cab shot a red light which caused the accident.  Sounds like a nice lawsuit and a lifetime of care, should she need it.  While we were originally told there was no head injury, Hyphen said there  some evidence of TBI and while she is doing well that may slow her return to practice.

Speaking of practice I had a nice talk with The Bird regarding the continuation of her use of EMDR.  We are not going to pursue that option, going instead for more traditional talk therapy.  I feel better about that option.  And while I had looked at other psychologists I have decided to stick with her.

Tonight we, that is Brody's Former Mom (Brody has moved to Mexico), Sophie and me are going to have Indian food for dinner and then head out to a concert given my mandolin teacher.  It will be a concert of Baroque music.  Should be a pleasant evening.  We were to have a fire pit experience but as the  weather is calling for rain and Brody's Former Mom (BFM) and I are going to a plant sale at 8:00  a.m the next day she will want to get to bed early.  The art fair starts tomorrow and we are going to that as well.  Sunday I will do my usual hike to Krogers and Panera's  and back home for a pleasant breakfast.  I may go back to the art fair and see if there is anything I can't live without.

The sky is lightening, in spite of the rain.  I may cut some lilacs for Sophie. Head out to putter. And start getting my steps in.  Did over 20,000 steps yesterday.  Over six miles.  I was busy,

And hopefully Fred and Ethel Duck come back today.

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