Friday, May 1, 2015

To all the Pseudo-Hyphens (and you know who you are)

I worked in the yard again yesterday.  Aside from getting some bugs in my right eye, which is now a tad swollen, I had four full hours of pulling ivy and wild strawberry plants, planting yet another rose bush, setting up the trellis and planting the herbs in the plot by the deck so I have easy access from the kitchen and dubbed that area the Hyphen Garden.  Seven herb plants and, to be added, an anemone plant to twirl about the trellis.  I planted some more perennials, mostly coral bells and lenten roses.  Also discovered I have a fairly large population of Hostas coming up.  Intermixed them with the new coral bells.  I still have some perennials coming to put up against the south side of the house, to which I will add a border of moss roses.  Two more rose bushes coming, both hybrid teas, which will flank the other five bushes.  I  laid out a soaker hose for the rose bushes and tethered it to the ground.  And I was ever so clever as I ordered a faucet splinter, so I don't have to keep swapping hoses out between the soaker and the regular hose.  I know I will be pulling ivy and wild strawberry trailer and roots the rest of my days.  But it looks so much better with that stuff gone.  I will lay in some Preen to keep the weeds at abeyance, and feed the plants that I have put in.  The last of the outside improvements will be a small patio to the left of the deck because the soil there is not even fit for the birds.  Best to have my snow and yard guy do the patio and then next year I can lay in some good top soil behind the garage and toss in handfuls of wildflowers.  I have two nice Adirondack chairs coming for the patio and a small table.  The fire pit, a housewarming gift from Sophie and her family, will go on the patio and all summer we can have fires and sing-a-longs.  Speaking of sing-a-longs, got out the mandolin and practiced this morning and later picked up my trusty Martin guitar and played that for another half hour.  Hands are still stiff, but a great deal of that could be coming from all the yard work.  Last, but certainly not least, I planted two pots of yellow and orange pansies and a pot of shamrocks in a color called Zinfandel.  The Buddha cat sits on the front porch.  All in all the place looks great.  Today, for a treat, I will have some foot reflexology and then go for a stress busting walk.  Burger on the grill and watch baseball.

Happy May Day...

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