Thursday, May 28, 2015


I have dropped enough weight now that I have gone down two sizes in less than three months.  Walk, walk and putter.  My new mantra. 

My yard, hopefully, will be mulched today, weather permitting.  I'd like the front yard to look as nice as possible.  The side yard is doing fabulous and looks even better since I put the edging in.  WIth redwood mulch the front will look more finished.  I also hope to put in my raised bed today in the back yard and maybe get some more tomato plants and herbs to go along side the Hyphen Herbarium and Buddhist Retreat.  I would love to have the back yard roto-tilled and plant wildflowers.  Right now it is just weeds and volunteers from the maple tree in the back.

I am hoping to avoid the triple play I had last night when I got home.  Broken tree limb, thanks to Brad, shattered cobblestones going to he house, thanks again Brad, and Gonif's collection of fur balls all over the gray/grey chair.  Sounded like a few Valium to me so I did.  I called Brad to bitch and he was bitching right back about the stupid door he was supposed to have put on two days ago but has been left hanging, literally, on its hinges on the front of the house.  I was most upset about the damage to the tree.  Beautiful flowering pear tree, a limb torn right off and left to hang in the wind.  I was able to saw off the three foot section of limb but I was furious with Brad.  Two Valiums later I was still furious.  I am going to see if Joe the Yard Guy can trim what is left of the branch and make it look a little better.  I picked up the broken stones and I am just going to have to get small pavers to put down as a cut through for the front yard from the drive.  Damn, I am still upset about my poor tree.  Furious, I tell you, furious!

My guess is in spite of good intentions we won't see Sophie today.  Oh, she said she would come in after 11:00 but I truly doubt it.  Seems like her whole team is out with a case of anal glaucoma, i.e., I can't see my ass coming into work today.  Attitude, ladies, attitude.  Must be more positive.  Life is too short, and so am I, to have a piss poor attitude about life.  Oh, I know I have my moments too but I really try to make the best of it.  Take my poor brain out of the equation, a full frontal lobotomy, and I am good to go.  I do, in fact, love my work and my supervisor (who has left me in charge!) and it is not a chore coming in.  That said, I also like my summers with the three day weekends.  Walk, walk and putter.  A new mantra.

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