Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Alright People

I spent four hours in the side yard cleaning out the ivy and peonies (good riddance) and planted four rose bushes there.  Today one more bush will arrive as well as some perennials I wanted.  I am planting a small garden in honor of Hyphen.  It will be a wrought iron trellis with anemones twining its way up.  A minimalist Zen garden.  The outside is shaping up and I am having a great time.  I don't recall a time when I have been happier and had fewer anxieties.  I mean, the fact that I am carrying two mortgages right now isn't putting me over the edge.  That is not to say I don't have things I need to work out in therapy; I do.  But, in general, I am one happy chickie poo, as JB would say.  I am going to the big greenhouse in town today to look/get some annuals as well as checking out the supplies of perennials.  I think I need to replace a few bushes out front and I am thinking boxwood.  And later tonight I go to a concert with Brody's Mom so the rose and other stuff will just have to be content to spend the night on the porch, exposed to the elements.  I should have time Thursday, after the meeting with the realtor, to put my haul in the ground.

EVERYONE:  Tell me nicely if you think the front of the house is "too busy".  I have a solar bird bath out front and to the side by the smaller of the two bedrooms, hence to be referred to as the Music Room, I have the finch and hummingbird feeders.  I also have a "Buddha Cat" by the front door.  Two green pots on the steps to hold the pansies I plan to get tonight.  In the south side yard I have the rose bushes and will most likely put in a border of moss roses or a a similar type of spreading annual.

Busy or not, the annuals will go in.  I need to call Joe to take out two dead bushes, although if the weather is nice I may do it myself.

I sent a short note to Hyphen via my source and hope she has receive the giraffe (she loves giraffes) my friend "Gimpy" and I sent to her.  I want Hyphen to know all the work we did leading up to the house was very beneficial and sent me up in a good place, figuratively and literally.

I need Mr. Brad to put heavy duty screens in the window in the house.  The cats, especially Simcha the Adorable Monorail Cat, loves to watch the finches and would, I believe, burst through the window to get to them.  And when I am out on the porch they all stare at me.  Yes, I know I told them they could be on the porch but, well, I lied, as it is not a safe environment and I have enough trouble egressing in the a.m. without them attempting to follow me out.  Speaking of Brad, he is stopping by the house to take boxes to the dump and I think he will be surprised by my collection.  Still he said he would do it.

And, an addendum.  Albert Einstein coiffed my hair this morning.  Just so you know.

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