Tuesday, April 7, 2015

The Bird is indeed the word

Barb, a.k.a. The Bird, is no Hyphen, but then who is, other than the real deal.  In her stead The Bird will do just fine.  I had a good session which was essentially a taking of history and me doing a job interview. I am going back in two weeks; I would have gone back next Monday but it is my Open House for a Passover delayed Opening Day.  She seemed competent and empathetic.  I had a good connection with her.  Unlike the the last time, before I acquired Pat the Psychological Foreman.  That was hellish going through a number of trials with various therapists before settling on her.  She has since retired but her stated goal was to get me out of therapy and on level ground.  That said, I stopped seeing her about ten years ago.  I felt about three years ago I needed some support again and thanks to a counselor on campus was directed to Hyphen.  As Hyphen is about 63 years old and it is anticipated that it will take her at least a year to recover from the accident, I don't know that she will ever practice again.  The Bird will do.  She does the some of the same type of therapy that Hyphen practiced and is a good psychologist.  Also from the Detroit area so we have some common history. 

And that said I need some help processing the process of losing Hyphen, even if it is temporary.  If she does practice again I feel right now like I would be afraid and ashamed to see her again.  In some respects I feel like I was the cause of the accident, even though it was a half assed cab driver's fault.  It is the same type of accident that killed my grandmother Dorothy.  T-boned, as she was, in Dorothy's case by a Monkey Ward's truck driver who shot through a funeral procession on the 20th of December 1985.  I guess I really should share that story with The Bird, as it has re-surfaced as a result of Hyphen's accident.  So, again, that said, I need to start a list and history of my own.  There, I updated my contacts.  The Bird did give me her cell number.  Maybe a text would be nice.

Oh, well, Sophie is MIA today due to a headache.  I have one as well, stress I suspect.  Plumber is coming tonight after work for the garbage disposal issue.  The, in lieu of Sophie, JB is taking me grocery shopping.  Yes, I have lots of staple food items, but I need some fresh stuff and loads of Coca Cola.  Maybe some deli items.  But JB is generous with her time and not prone to headaches.

Okay, back to whatever it was I was doing...

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