Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Opening Day Open House

It was a perfectly lovely day for an open house, as the weather turned from rain to sun by 3:00 p.m.  The grill was lit and so was I.  Oh no, not really but I was having fun.  I love to entertain. In fact, that is why I bought the house.  The realtor gave me a lovely house warming present of vegetable plants to put in my burgeoning garden.  And the retired head of technical services has promised me a trip to Van Atta's Greenhouse before long to get perennials.  I have a good start but need to have a lot of work done in the back yard.  You know a rock garden might be the way to go under my bedroom window.  And, joy of joys, a pair of gold finches were eating at my new feeder, replete with Nyjer seed.  The word is out and the word is the bird, or something like that.  Three new neighbors stopped by, once again making me feel as if I belong and as if I am home.  Dr. Ben was there and we set up music lessons again, which I have already delayed by a week.  My hands are so stiff from moving and then not playing that I feel like I need the time to: a.) set up the music room and b.) actually practice.  Maybe start with a guitar and move to the mandolin once I have my hands warmed up and moving.

As the worm turns, or not, I have my new therapist on my old therapy day, which is Monday.  Lessons will also commence on May 4th, which is a Monday.  So we shall see how that goes next week.  I am anxious to start therapy again.  The panic over the house and moving has passed.  Now I must deal with the loss of Hyphen for some time and my concerns regarding that loss and then step up to the plate with a new therapist and deal with some old hurts and pains.

Today is a grocery shopping day.  Also when I get home I must water the newest plants and fill the solar bird bath.  When the sun it out the fountain in the bird bath spurts water.  It is way cool.  By then when I get home the second to last of the home purchases, a new chair, will be awaiting me.  The last home purchase, a hassock, will come tomorrow.  The living room will be complete and the house done on the inside.  Now if Brad would come back and give me the binder of manuals for all the appliances then I could do a load of wash.  Basically I am flying by the seat of my Levi's.  In any event tonight I will put away the stuff from the party and get the music room set up and the new chair in place.  I think with that ahead of me tonight it may be a good night to order in something.  Maybe Mexican.  The next two days I have a luncheon to attend on campus and a Union Rep Training session on Thursday.  I seem to have lost some weight in the move, which would not hurt my feelings if it continues or if I can maintain.  On the last notch of my belt today.  I need to find a smaller waist belt.  Of course I am only losing weight, it seems, in my waist and butt, and not in the rather large gut I seem to have developed since starting all the medication for being bipolar.  My slacks seem to bet getting kinda baggy.  Unlike the last time when I lost weight I am going to see if this keeps up before investing in a smaller size.

And so it goes.

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