Monday, April 20, 2015

Magic Plastic Tuna run in

So it is Monday morning and some folks don't want to be here.  That said, I had a close encounter with the Magic Plastic Tuna.  I was entering the women's rest room and she was preparing to egress when I heard a very loud "thud" sound and that was she throwing a wet wad of hand towel paper into the trash can, missing be that that much.  I have never know any one to be so rude, inconsiderate, hostile and unpleasant as she of the Tuna fame.  And she seems like such an unhappy person that there is little wonder why she treats most people around here as beneath contempt.

 You might have thought the loud thud would have been enough to wake me out of this sleepy state that I am in but NOOOOOOOOOOO! I am on my second Coke, about to get my third.  I also almost deleted a file I was working on in my stupor.  Luckily my eyes opened at the right time.  WHEW!

Meeting with the Bird today and I don't know how I feel about.  I wrote Soph a rather angry email on Friday and actually sent it and now I am regretting that decision...somewhat.  Hopefully we will kiss (no, not literally) and make up.

Oh, shit...I am off to get an energy drink and hope it doesn't make me too lightheaded


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