Thursday, April 2, 2015

New Home Owner Blues (in the key of E)

Well, I had plumbers come out Wednesday to replace a four foot section of galvanized pipe in the basement that was wrecking havoc with the kitchen sink.   I was anticipating a huge bill.  Who knew honest plumbers existed?  Who knew?  He only charged me for one house call, which was from the night before when he tried to snake the drain only to reach an impasse, and parts and labor came to just under $300.  Yessireebob.  I also had the back and front yard raked and groomed and made arrangements to have two very large shrubs dispatched at a later date.  I took a walk in my new neighborhood and put out new solar lights and took out the old ones.  So the front of the house looks much cleaner and nicer.  Mrs.  Shankland, she of the banging into Sophie's new car, came over last night to tell me a few good neighborly things and compliment me on the work on the outside.  She's a pistol alright.  Also, last night, when I tried to run the dishwasher, there was no power so right away I called Brad who wisely told me to check the circuit breaker, which was in the off position.  A case of the new home owner learning a new trick. 

I am seeing the doctor today for a follow-up and I am embarrassed to say I have on what I thought were grey slack but are actually a lighter said of green.  And the gray sweater does not match the slacks, and shoes.  I feel awkward. 

Tomorrow, among other things, is the first night of Passover.  So of course I am going to a concert.  And have a family type dinner at the new place on Sunday with a number of the people who had helped me so much in the move.  A kosher ham and matzoh.  Oy!  Saturday the painters are coming over for to touch up some spots and help me hang some pictures. 

Any while Hyphen recuperates somewhere in the city (at least two months in the hospital and who knows how long in rehab) I have a therapy appointment with a pseudo-hyphen on Monday.  I just want a fallback position.  Who knows when or if Hyphen will be Hyphen again.

Oh, drat, the Magic Plastic Tuna is here.  I must be going.

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