Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Je suis fatigue

I am just so very tired that I can barely keep the old eyes open.  I woke up last night at what I thought was 1:45 and couldn't get back to sleep.  However it was actually 11:45 and I have been up since.  I actually lost two hours of sleep I thought I had.  That said, I had two Five Hour Energy shots which did little more than to make me sick to my stomach, like they do.  One is usually enough but when you catch yourself nodding off as you stare at computer monitors when the second bottle was needed.  Barely ate any lunch.  Actually, I have been off my feed for a few weeks, first because of the move and now I just can't seem to work up an appetite.  I have gone to my comfort food, a baked potato with butter and season salt. and/or sour cream.  Not even noshing like I usually do.  I was going to grill tonight but tomorrow seems like a better day.  My blinds are being installed tomorrow so I will get a little more privacy then I have had the last few weeks.  I don't know how the cats will do with the blinds.  Hopefully they don't mangle them or get caught up in the string pulls.  Also tonight is a luxurious session of reflexology and that should help me get over the two Energy Shot ickies. Also the landscape guy is coming out tonight to discuss some issues with the backyard and what I want done with it.  I'd like so patio blocks by the deck for the fire pit and so we can have a few chairs around the pit.  The deck needs to be power washed and treated. 

The weather seems to be a little less threatening right now.  I indeed might grill but I think I will save it for tomorrow.  I have a lovely flank steak marinating and fresh shitake mushrooms as well as asparagus.  I could even cook it on the grill on the pink Himalayan salt blocks and no it doesn't make it too salty.  It adds a lovely light flavor.  So tomorrow while the installer is putting up the wood blinds I can start the grill.  Something to look forward to.

So, my hope for tonight is that the ickies go away and I can have a gentle potato and maybe a salad.  Grill tomorrow as it is supposed to be warmer and might lend itself better to cooking out of doors.  Right now it looks like it could rain any minute, or not.  Typical Michigan weather, changing every five minutes.  As for thunder storms, Yankel cat is frightened to death of them and usually hides in the bathroom.  But then the condos are so old that the rattle with a good crack of thunder.  I am hoping we have a little less of that at Sans Souci.  I think because I have doubled my square footage the cats aren't fighting as much, Gonif is eating kibble without doing his infamous scarf and barf, Yankel and Simcha have stopped hissing at each out and there is actually enough room for two alpha males.  Gonif knows he is the oldest but has no interest in being that alpha male.  He just wants to be my baby boy.  And Simcha, who had the habit of knocking over the treat tower, even when it was full, is not doing that anymore and seems content with the lay of the land and the amount of treats that are available to him on a daily basis.

Well, five more minutes and I can shut down my computer and get ready to head home to my footsie massage.  Maybe get a nap in while she does the esoteric healing.  Certainly get a nap in before dinner and before the landscaper comes.

Good day all.

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