Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Furnace issues

Yes, we gots 'em.  New furnace is being installed tomorrow.  The current furnace is not cooperating.  Seems the "secondary heat exchanger has cracked" and is not repairable.  So sans Souci is not so much this week. At least this didn't happen in the dead of winter, but, geezo pete it is cold and casting snow flurries down to the cold ground.  So Dan was here today to help arrange the financing. He brought me lunch but to be honest I don't have much of an appetite.  Gonna try to eat dinner and relax.  The furnace tech was able to do something to the old furnace to get it to run, but it may shut off at any moment.  He also left me two space heaters should I need them. They should be here about 9:30.  So yet another day off of work at th cost of $3,700. Yee ha.

On a more positive note Simcha spent the day bird watching. I got the boys a small perch for the music room and Simcha watched a pair of gold finches feed and boy did that capture his attention.  Was able to get a cardinal feeder for the back and the other two boys sit on the bed and watch the action.  It was a lighter moment of the day.

So I think it is time for a Coke and smile, oh, no, that's not right   Well, hopefully the furnace upgrade will be finished by noon and I will be able to take my walk, hit Krogers and make a nice dinner.

That's th game plan for tomorrow.  Hope your day was better than mine

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