Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Joy of Joy and miracles of miracles!

Apparently at the news of his dismissal, BJ was able to finish painting the condo and steam clean the floors last night.  I guess that was a better option then giving me some of his fee back, as apparently it was all spent.  Never again, I say, will I use or recommend him.  I doubt Dan will either, son-in-law or not.  If you screw up on Dan's watch your are outta here, buddy.

I am getting a tad compulsive about the FitBit.  For those of you unfamiliar with the device it tracks your steps, stairs, activity and mileage a day.  I had almost walked two miles at work and then spent two hours gardening (not merely puttering but sweating labor) and logged that activity and I had only gone 8,500 steps.  I wanted to get up to a 10,000 but I was tired and it was almost 7:00 p.m. when I got done.   Ramping up another 1,500 steps would have meant a walk, which would have made me less likely to cook or eat dinner.  I called Sophie and she said to cool it.  And The Bird said I should be focusing on the coulds and not the shoulds.  As in I "could walk 1,500 more steps" but I have done enough for the day and choose to relax.  That said I lit the grill and made a fabulous dinner of grilled flank steak with rice and morel mushrooms with ramps and shallots, followed by two Oreo cookies for dessert.

Today, FitBit wise, I walk to the International Center and it will be interesting to see how long of a hike that will be.  Tonight is shopping and some planting as the roses are coming, all except one.  That will arrive tomorrow.  That is why I was "frantically" turning over soil and fertilizing the soil in anticipation of the arrival of the roses.  Tonight the peonies go to better homes and I will be done with them.  Not overly fond of peonies as them tend to look a mess the more they bloom.  Pretty flowers, if you like ants.  No, better to have floribunda roses that will bloom all summer.  In the fall I will transplant the daffodils and have them in the front of the house.  The are kinda randomly clumped together on the south side of the house and would look better lining the sidewalk up to the house.  Also last night I tilled a spot for a lilac bush and filled two leaf bags full of ivy vines.  Busy, busy, busy.

Alright, I am off to see if Sophie is Soph today or Gastric.

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