Monday, April 27, 2015

Puttering to my heart's delight

Had a decent weekend, after the furnace fiasco.  Dan the Man "challenged" me to get a FitBit and I managed to work and walk around over ten miles this weekend.  Take That DAN!  In between puttering I was sputtering as the painter called and said he was not done with the condo, and he has been working on it for three weekend (and I had already paid him for the work).  I told him that was not acceptable as I need to get the condo on the market ASAP.  He said he could finish it this coming Saturday.  Unacceptable.  I called Dan and railed for a bit, as this is his son in law who is (was) doing the painting and said "UNACCEPTABLE" and apparently he called BJ and said UNACCEPTABLE and BJ showed up a few hours later and said they would have it done by tonight.  Gotta love Dan and how he can crack that whip.  It's not like I have an extra $800 a month to pay for the condo and dues and I would really like to sell it quickly and now is a good time.  But I truly doubt it took five coats of paint on the woodwork and they hadn't even started on the bedroom or closets.  I said to forget the closets, stop farting around and get it done immediately.  I was and still am hot.   I took my aggressions out on laundry and a trip to the Ace Hardware and got a few things for the house and worked in the yard for about three hours.  My roses are coming this week and I want to get rid of the peonies that have been sprouting, which I have been able to do. 

I have Bird today.  Hyphen seems to be on the mend but will still be gone for a number of months.  After therapy, if I am not too "down" JB (not BJ) and I intend to get some stuff for the house, like a push broom for outside and some pansies, which are hardy little buggers, and a couple of nice pots and soil to set them outside by the front door.  Hopefully Joe the Yard Man will stop by tonight and we can discuss the small patio I want in the back yard.  Nothing significant, just about a 6x6 patio where the "aromatic" garden was.  The aromatic garden consists of crappy soil and marble sized clay bits and the area is totally unsuitable for growing anything but vines and birds.  Spread some pea gravel and lay pavers down and have a place for the fire pit and some yard chairs.  Sophie's son put together a grill for me yesterday and that contributed to my agitation as when I asked him not to force something and to calm down he did the exact opposite.  Hence I took another walk.  But I yell ya, three hours in the yard turning over soil and getting ready for the arrival of the rose bushes and I am sore but much more placid that I was.  My hands, however, are very stiff and although I did get up early to play the mandolin this morning I had to wear the brace on the left hand and I a, less than happy with the level of playing and pain. 

And that, dear reader, was my weekend.  Well, not quite.  Saw Itzhak Perlman on Saturday, which was a good show, and Sunday had a nice brunch with a few friends.  But the agitation caused by BJ as well as Sophie's son was almost enough to drive me to...well, plant more and turn over more soil.  I also got another bird feeder and the birds are most happy.  Threw some grapes out for the birds and squirrels and decided that it was not the squirrels that have been getting in the trash dumpster but more likely raccoons and I am going to remedy that with a bungee cord.

Off to get another round of Coke.

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