Wednesday, April 22, 2015

To steal a line from Green Tuna

Ice, ice, baby.  Seems my furnace is out.  Oh, yes it is!  Came home yesterday and thought I was merely having problems with my thermostat only to learn that was not the case, although I will be replacing the thermostat (bad thermostat, bad!).  Consumers Energy did a service call last night, when it was  62 degrees in the house, still warmer than it was outside, but he didn't have the part and  voila,  it dropped like a rock last night and and to add insult to injury it also snowed a tad (are you fuxing kidding me? April 22nd?  Snow?).  Now I sit wrapped in fleece in a 59 degree house, still warmer than outside, but we may be approaching homeostasis.  The pair of gold finches is at the feeder and they look as cold as I feel.  So I sit home and waiting for the part where Comsumers Energy returns with the part and warm the cockles of my heart and home.

I am missing the spring social at work and I feel like I am letting down my trivia team by not being there for them today.  But staying home and awaiting Comsumers is my priority.   Hey, maybe mittens are in order...but how to write this?

I heard through a 'acquaintance' that Hyphen is doing a little better than we were lead to believe.  She is alert enough to be worried about her people.  Made me glad I am still one of her people.  Looks as if she is soon to be headed to a lengthy rehab, but at least  now I have a conduit to inquire as to her state of being and send along encouragement and the occasional giraffe.  I remember when I broke my hip some eleven years ago that while other lives go on you still must recuperate and do it by yourself.  It gets lonely the longer the recovery time is.  Thank goodness I had my buddy and late neighbor Jerry to fetch things for me and make sure I did my exercises.  And I remember how overjoyed I was when  Gastric and her sister visited me one Saturday morning armed with warm bagels and cream cheese.  Not that I can go visit Hyphen, armed with bagels and cream cheese, but at least I feel like the situation is not as dire.  I was really heartened to hear that and if Hyphen happens to be able to follow this blog I can assure her she is still needed and wanted, but also that I am doing better then I was doing back in late January when this house had yet to achieve its full potential, as it has now sans heat.  Sans Souci sans warmth right now.  But the bottom line is the longer the recuperating period is, the more you long for a return to normalcy.  Those little routines that comprise the ennui of life.

So, y'all, do the Consumers dance.  Make them come sooner rather than later.  I need to take my walk, warm my hands up enough to play instruments of music and watch the snow melt off the roofs.  I guess, looking on the bright side of the icicle that is, this is not a bad time of year to be without heat.  It could have been the dead of winter when folks are all having heating issues and I would be low on the repair list.  But still...Please come soon...Shane...come back...Shane!

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