Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Yes, gentle reader, I am feeling much better since yesterday's commentary on family and outcomes.  I am still not sure what I am doing beyond a pecan pie for Gastric and her family on Thanksgiving.  My usual Hanukkah celebration is not feeling very festive but that is still over a month away.  I am anxious about getting the house and that is coloring my mental state.  The bank, Citi, is taking up to ninety days to get back to me and it is hurry up and wait and wait and wait,  at this point I don't know if I can be in by April but I am still hopeful.  I would love to have an answer from Citi before Thanksgiving.  That would be great but I am thinking it will be closer to the first of the year.  And what a great new year's gift that would be.

So today's stuff is a furnace tune up and a painting estimate.  Then about 7:00 I am able to stand down.  Lately I have been both anxious and very tired.   I could have slept longer this morning but was still up at 4:00 a.m.  Practiced with a purpose for about forty five minutes.

This day is a day.  Who knows what will come.  Mal even said good morning yesterday.  Wow!  I was unprepared for that.  I worked until 5:40 yesterday and she must have thought I had left at my usual time as she got very talkative and got loud around 4:30.  I wasn't going to say anything, just file it under noise complains and save for a rainy day when she get bitchy again.  One day she is al oat complacent about work and the next she hates it.  And I thought I was bipolar...

Time to get ready for work.  Mor later.

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