Sunday, November 16, 2014

On second thought

Thanksgiving is coming in less than two weeks,  the penultimate holiday of the year.  I am to go to Gastric's abode and be with her family.  It is a lonely time for us orphans of life.  My original plans shot to shit, same for Christmas and before that we shall see how Hanukkah shakes down.  I have a small get together planned for the 17th of December,  latkes and Apple sauce.  Maybe make a brisket and have an actual meal.  That will be my last hurrah for the season as I think I am going to keep to myself the rest of the year.  I was thinking of taking some time off but I don't know what I would do with myself.  We get four days off for each holiday.  So save my vacation time for when I can move hopefully in the spring.

Alright. My pithy pity party with the prancing purple pigmy ponies continues in private.

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