Tuesday, November 25, 2014

I'm so tired

I am glad this is short week and I can rest for a few days before all the holiday festivities break loose. We are going to some concerts, a holiday dinner out.  My own Hanukkah party, the trip to the Detroit area to have deli and enjoy a show.  I am still debating taking off time at the holidays between Christmas and New Year but I don't know what I would do.  Be bored, nap, be bored.  I just don't know.   No Hyphen during the holidays, like she has a right to a life.  Working sometimes makes the time pass faster.  So I just don't k ow.

Meeting with Gastric and Dan today to discuss her car situation.  The. I am going to medicate, make breakfast for dinner and crap out.  Big day tomorrow with a hit cut and maybe teach a lesson. .  I don't know.  Four days off nd no plans.  I have lots to rad and should relax by doing that and watching football.    Hang with the cats.  And practice the mandolin.  That sounds like a plan.  Right now I am tired, tired, tired.

So off to work I go...

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