Friday, November 21, 2014

Make things right

I have this overwhelming need to make things right, not only for me but for the world.  I don't watch the news as this only brings sad tidings and I want to make things better.  And don't get me started on the Humane Society and ASPCA commercials.  I want to kiss every boo boo and make it better.  A compulsion.  Something to discuss with Hyphen.  I am saddened when I can't help.  I go overboard buying gifts for friends for birthdays and holidays as that is the kind of woman I am.  I mention this because I want to make everything right.  And when I can't, I get hurt.  I get hurt a lot it seems. I would trade places with Gastric if I could and take her pain from her accident.  Poor Gastric is so bruised.  I worry.  Dan the Man is coming tomorrow to discuss finances with Gastric.  Then dinner and off to the opera.  Maybe that will help take some of the sting out of Gastric's present situation.  I can only hope.  I want to make her better.

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