Sunday, November 30, 2014

Longer weekend than anticipated

I had a five day weekend due to the furnace malady on Wednesday.  Today I went out to breakfast with friends and rely couldn't eat what I ordered.  I had the mother of all hot flashes at breakfast and was too nauseated to eat.  Got home and dealt with a Sunday headache.  Gonif cat christened th new rug with Greenies up but it cleaned up well and I am not mad at him.  Gave him some chopped turkey, which is what he really wanted in the first place.  Now we are all back in our relaxing positions and I am plotted dinner,  I believe chicken Marsala    Do not want to face work tomorrow and therapy and a lesson.  I bought new mandolin picks which I like but they are taking getting some used to.  So I am just chilling until dinner and may break down and read.  Haven't had the concentration necessary for reading due to this running joke of a headache.  Took a nice hot shower and some Valium and not I am trying to relax.  So I will watch football and co time to plan dinner.  I heard about the new house.  All the paperwork is In and that went to the negotiator,  I hope to hear in December in the affirmative about a closing date.  Then the real work begins on the house.  I was a little spooked yesterday and someone with access to the building shoved a fortune cookie fortune under my door and thst has made me more determined to vacate these premises.  We lost one fish Friday and that was sad.  I think I will give up th fish tanks when I move.  I will have a fountain instead.  My new chairs will be delivered this week.  Things are moving forward on the house.

So that's about it

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