Thursday, November 20, 2014


Going to the opera this weekend, Cosi Fan Tutti.  Brody's Mom was to have accompanied us but her new sweetie will be in town so she finked out on us.  So it is Gastric, the Sherpa and the Evil Nutella who will experience the joys of opera for the first time.  The opera is comedic and what could be wrong with Mozart?  Dinner beforehand.  As far as Gastric's automotive problems they continue with a loaner.  I suspect they will total her car out.  Dan, my Financial Man, has offered to help her figure out her options financially and automotively.  Hopefully "we" can get together soon and she can discuss her options.  Dan has loads of connections and hopefully Gastric is not reduced to going to Paradise Lost Motors.

I need to watch my spending.  I think I am done with holidays and what I can pre-purchase for the new abode.   Should be able to pay off the bulk of the early spending this coming December.  The music room looks a wreck.

I do believe this weekend I should clean my aquariums.  It looks like something may have died in in one but hasn't floated to the top as of yet.  Maybe the lone shrimp has passed. I will vacuum the gravel and wipe down the walls.  And look for the deceased.  In any event it needs a partial water change.  I know not if the fish will follow me but if they don't my fish guy will take good care of them.  He has volunteered to adopt them.  Good guy that he is.

Tonight I suspect I will chill, but not literally.  This is the first night this week I don't have anything going after work.  The only night.  Safe at home, cook a nice dinner and relax.

And so it goes.

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