Tuesday, November 11, 2014


I think as long as the house is pending I am destined to have stress headaches.  I must say by the time of my lesson last night I was fairly out of it because of some headache meds and some Valium.  That said it was a good lesson.  Have a few new pieces to play and some old pieces to tighten up.  Practiced for forty five minutes this morning,

Yesterday with Hyphen was a very good session,  again I wa plagued by a headache which caused my eyes to tear excessively, or maybe that was allergy.  In any case I was feeling miserable.  But the session went well.

Cold weather is approaching, maybe some snow.  It is snowing like hell up north.  But we will just be cold...polar vortex, as opposed to the Polar Vortex, a person who was an acquaintance but had turned into a different kind of soul sucker.  She just took your life over.  A frustrated mother she might be...a mother without real children but who basically collects people and tries to run their lives. We parted ways after she approved of a more aggressive surgery than I was prepared for and made th decision for me while I was under anesthesia.   I was out of work for six weeks, instead of the week the regular surgery would have allowed for.  And then the surgery was bothced and I had to have the same surgery, although laparoscopically this time, two years later.  And I was only out two weeks and that included a week in the hospital because I had developed pneumonia.  Life is good that way.

In any event stress rings supreme.  Thank goodness for Valium.

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