Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday surprise

Well, here it is Friday,  my music room looks akin to the beaches of Normandy and all is amiss in my world.  I am surprising Gastric with lunch today so dearie, if you are looking for a clue, eh, not so much here.

Another weekend approacheth and I am still unsettled as to where my future be.  Sometimes I just think it is so easy to just give up and sometimes I am a fighter.  Right now, I am tired of waiting and thinking I will slash my wrist if I don't get the perfect house for me and the boys.  I think I have finally accepted that I need to move and I hope and pray it is to my new venue that I am waiting on.  There is so much potential at this home,  I would get the kitchen of my dreams and not of someone else's dream.  I want to have my imprimatur on this home.  And that included a complete kitchen tear out,  re-finishing the floors, painting.  New home.  I need to keep up. Dan the man says at least I have made the first big decision, that is to move.  Now I must get THE place.  And I have it, it is just taking so long to get a closing date or even to put a down payment in place.  Short sales are not easy.  On anyone, especially me and the realtor.  And everyone around me, like Hyphen and Gastric.  I will be devastated if I don't get this one home.  Embarrassed and devastated.  I never should have told a soul I was thinking of moving.  And if I do not end of getting this one house I feel like I will have egg on my face.  I suppose there are worse things.  But nothing like this has been on my radar before. I can remember when I looked at this condo and put a down payment on it the same day I saw it. I don't know why this is so hard.

Alright, maybe if I stop fixating on this I can relax some.  Ah, who am I kidding.  I am like a pit bull where worry is concerned,  I worry worry to death.  Alright, I won't slash my wrists.  But it is going to be a long ass winter.  Hopefully I get an early Hanukkah present of a new old house,  I can...

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