Sunday, November 23, 2014


Cosi go fan tutti was a hoot.  Great production and very enjoyable.  Prior to the show Gastric and I met with my financial man Dan to get the ball rolling on getting Gastric a car.  Things seems to go well.  Dinner was running a little late and I was anxious about that but all in all it was a great evening.

Right now, however, I have been miserable with allergies all day.  Sneezing, itching and sleeping off antihistamines,  eyes watering and the Benadryl has been making me emotionally depressed.  Some of that is the residue of doing nothing all day.  Didn't eat all day and in about two hours dinner will arrive in the form of Chinese food.  But more than anything I itch like hell.

On December 14th Gastric and I are going to Detroit for a show and deli food with my synagogue group.  I am going to pass her off as Jewish.  She is actually Irish but claims to be a member of the lost tribes   I heard from my group today and we will be going to the Stage Deli.  I haven't had good deli in a month of Sundays and then some.

Monday is Hyphen.  I have an agenda.  Hopefully I can sit still without scratching my skin off.   Sounds like it is time for another Benadryl.


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