Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Authority Czarina and the Grim Reaper

I just received a CNN news announcement in my email that Mike Nichols, of Nichols and May, and also a consummate film director, passed away this morning.  And, like the good Authority Czarina that I am I checked his online national authority record to see if I needed to close the dates.  Well, he was a unique man and make no mistake about it he had no dates attached to his name.  I suspect tomorrow morning when the changes are made and updated, I will export a newer authority record with information regarding his passing.  He was 83, a nice age to be, a great artist, and one of my early comedic icons, he and Elaine May.  Funny, funny, funny.  He went on to direct Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf, among many others.  What a classic that film is.  But such is the nature of my job, my training and my inclinations that I immediately checked his authority record for more information.  Not soon after the Grim Reaper reaps, I write.  And that is all she wrote.  Always makes me mindful of death and how fragile life itself is.  Death, always seems to be close to the surface of my thoughts, especially now and then and then Hyphen reminds me how little time we really have.  And that is true.  Live today for tomorrow we die, and tomorrow and tomorrow, creeping at its not so petty pace...death and holidays.  I can't wait for the new year.

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