Thursday, November 6, 2014

No comment redux

I have received no comments from anyone regarding my Christmas situation and a potential hug from the unnamed chickenshit.  Oh, well, it was my chickenshit way of handling an uncomfortable situation when neither one of us enjoys confrontational events.  I am told by Hyphen that I suck at confrontation, harkening back to the days when I loved to engage in confrontational behaviors, say twenty years ago, gang aft agley.  But now confrontation is not a strong suit, although I am very good at sitting and stewing.  Hence a tendency to passive aggressive behavior. 

The painter last night gave me a good price and I told him painting would commence when I closed on the new house.  (Sending positive vibes...okay, don't yell).  Sending positive vibes to the universe, hoping that the earnest monies will soon be requested for the house.

I did joint a synagogue recently and plan on going to a show in the Detroit area in December.  Old Jews Telling Jokes.  Looking forward to going with Gastric or just by myself.  But with Gastric would be more fun.  A nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

So, I am prone to rambling right now.  So off to lunch I go. 

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