Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Changing plans again, mayhap.  Poor Gastric had an accident yesterday with her "ve-Hic-cle" possibly totaling it out.  She is off work for a few days to recuperate but she is basically fine, however sore.  If they total her car out I hope she can find resources to purchase from a more reputable place than Paradise Motors, as in Paradise Lost Motors.  I am hoping she can realize her dream of getting a newer car.  And I hope she can get a rental until she finds a better car.  Her whole family depends on her. Literally!  As do I, to a certain extent.  This could really impact Thanksgiving plans for her whole family.  Hopefully it will not come to that.  I wish I could be of more help.  Maybe I can...But this just goes to show that terrible things can happen around the most "festive" time of the year.  Hopefully this is the only bad thing and the rest of the year will go smoothly for everyone.  That said, I hope no one is struck by misfortune.  This isn't about me, but it might as well be as terrible things always happen around this time of year; take my dear grandmother's departure for instance.  And, no, I shan't be rehashing that Christmas cautionary tale.  Just be on guard.

Tonight, weather permitting, and that is an iffy thing this time of year (until April probably), JB and I are going to an MSU women's basketball game.  Beforehand she is taking me shopping so I can load up on goodies prior to the holiday.  Gonif the Cat needs turkey.  I made the mistake last week of cooking him a turkey breast and adding gravy, which I thought he would like.  WRONG!  He wouldn't touch it.  This week without gravy.  Yankel had his nails trimmed last night for the holidays.  See, he has thumbs, a six toed kitty with extra nails that can grow into his pads should they not be tended to.  He saw the vet and started hissing.  She got him in the bathroom and clip, clip, clip, he was done.  Easiest time she has ever had with him.  Simcha was unimpressed and would not go near the vet.  So that is the cat report up to the minute.

We in Technical Services have a meeting today from 10-11.  I have no idea of what about.  I think they will announce a number of retirements and plans not to fill those positions.  I am secretly hoping Mal will be amongst the recent spate of retirees.  To mark the end of the meeting I am ordering in sandwiches for a crew.

And that, dear children, is the day up to the minute.

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