Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Lesson and practice

Had a nice lesson last night.  And actually practiced longer this morning, basically because I am having problems playing a Bouree by Bach.  Need to take it slower and play more deliberately.  Trying out a new pick and I like it but it is taking some getting used to.  I get better sound out of it but it is thicker and well takes some getting used to.  Have a nice long day at work today.  Over ten hours.  Should get me caught up from the day off I had to take last week.

Still haven't heard from Brody's Mom about the concert on Wednesday  and if she wants to do dinner first. Love struck the poor girl is and being a little, shall I say neglectful, of some social responsibilities.  Ten days ago she said she'd be available for the concert, for which I have all three tickets.  Doing dinner is an option Gastric and I plan on doing.  She gets back to work tomorrow with an overflowing mail box full of received and bounced emails.  So I have done all I can do to get in touch with her.  Can I say I am disappointed in the ways in which she has treated me in the last few weeks, not even as an afterthought.  It's like high school all over again.  I am a good friend and I really deserve to be treated better and with more honesty than she has shown of late.  And I understand being in love, lust or like whatever, but that doesn't mean you neglect your friends who had been like family to you until recently.  I alluded to this a few weeks ago.  I never seem to know if people are afraid of me or of hurting me but this slight has hurt me far more than the lack of honesty.  For example, we spent a whole evening together at dinner and a symphony and she might have mentioned that she was thinking of spending Christmas with the love interest.  Instead she made an announcement at a monthly card game the very next day and that was the first I had heard of it.  I deserve better than that. Yes I do.

So, rather than calling or sending another email I am blogging.  Chickenshit on my part; I could be more direct.  But she seems so out of touch.  But this is really chickenshit...if this keeps up I can find others to go to concerts with and be treated less as an afterthought than this.

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