Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A sickness unabated

Seems I am still a little sick from my last bout of medication. My gastric (notice lower tummy, not Ms. Gastric) is a cause of concern. Finally called my GI doc and they want samples, which are now lodged in my fridge in appropriate containers and in a Baggie, I will run over to the lab this morning. They want to rule out a number of infectious forms of illness, of which I am being purposely vague. I am still running a slight fever and all the goodies that go with that. Still on the potato diet but Gastric was nice enough to get me to Mickey D's to get a cheese burger yesterday. Of which I could only eat half. Still recuperating. Still coughing and doing other nasty things. Guess I was really a sick puppy. Will be nice to have a four day weekend to rest. Monday we are celebrating Gastric's birthday with a baseball game, the Lugnuts. There will be seven of us celebrating. Hopefully, again, I can eat a hot dog, but if not there is ample liquid for me to consume. It rained like hell here yesterday and will off and on through the Labor Day weekend. Spartans have a football game on Friday and that is a good reason for taking Friday off. Campus will be a madhouse. MSU has gone to opening the football season on the Friday before Labor Day and it is really inconvenient if you are working that day. Easier to take it off. And that will frame my summer, my last Friday off for the season. Then it is work, work, work. I had a good session with one of the archivists for the university yesterday explaining our authority procedure and seeing if we could reach an understanding about authority records and correcting their bibliographic records. She is a great lady and I also gave her a tour of the library. The University Archives is not a unit of the library, even though their bib records our in our catalog. Still it is good to have her on-board with our procedures. And to also know how they are functioning as a cataloging unit. Alright, too much detail. Just like the recent spate of illnesses. I am making it eight hours a day at work, but I come home and go to sleep for an hour or so. I haven't been eating at work because of the gastric issues so I am pretty low energy by the time I get home. I can only practice about a half hour a day this week but I will ramp that up to an hour next week. Baby steps in the process of getting better. Okay, enough about me...what about you? Are you getting enough rest? Eating your veggies? Okay, then, stay week and avoid me at all costs.

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