Friday, August 1, 2014

I haven't heard...

I have today off, just the last of a few Fridays to enjoy this summer, so,I don't know the duck status report of the day. I did sleep in a tad and practiced for forty five minutes. I have a massage at 4:00 at home. And I am also expecting a few packages. And I am teaching a guitar lesson today. Basically it is a quiet day at home. I get to have a nice smoothie for breakfast, whenever I actually decide to wake up. I think with the lovely tomatoes from the farmers market that a BLT for lunch is in order. Mayhap a steak or burger for dinner. There...planned. Tomorrow I will chart my meals for the nutriotnist. Today is an easy day. No charting, just the lesson and taking care of me. No drama. No Patricia. So before the massage, if the packages come before, a walk. Right now back to bed sounds right. Feels like I still have a bit of a bug. Okay, I feel sleep coming upon me.

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