Friday, August 29, 2014


Had a lovely breakfast at the Soup Spoon Cafe. I was able to surprise Gastric with birthday gifts, and a lavish birthday card. We had a very nice chat. We are very close, I like to say. I will miss her dearly when she retires. She makes work bearable when things are a bit off. Like when the students come back in hoards. I am not used to their youthful rudeness and self centered behavior. They just don't know any better but that doesn't mean I have to like it. But they pay my salary so I must be mor tolerant. So, after I got home I took a lovely nap. While,I didn't eat much at breakfast I did eat more and my appetite is back so I think I am on the mend. Three weeks of hell, preceded by almost two months of feeling "off". Still coughing and waiting for some lab results but basically I am better. Sleeping a lot and getting better every day. Not much going on until Monday when I hope the weather is suitable for a baseball game for Gastric's actually birthday. I think there are seven of us going. That will be great and Gastric deserves a happy day. So the potato diet continues tonight and maybe a hamburger tomorrow. Thinking about eating must mean I am getting better. Yahoo!

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