Sunday, August 3, 2014

Up early

I am up disturbing early, having made a mistake on refilling a prescription that helps me to sleep, and just watching the Dodgers win a game In extra innings on a walk off home run (what? You didn't know I am a Dodgers fan? Not really, but since the passing of Ernie Harwell I just love a game announced by Vin Scully). So up I am, as Yoda would say, watching bad television and hoping for a little more sleep tonight. I am going to the farmers market today, and maybe out to breakfast before that. I haven't had good eggs over easy in a month of Sundays. Take the paper and read and drink a leisurely cup of coffee. Sunday promises to be a good day. I have some rading I need to do and make a nice pasta dinner, it's Sunday after all. I will tell you this: I am just not sleepy. Maybe a nice warm shower will relax me enough to sleep. Who knows and who cares?

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