Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Yes, I was busted by Mal, a new gopher in the cube corral, for humming. And I suspect my seasonal allergies will be cause for anothrer reprimand today. Mal is very unhappy in her new digs and I think is bent on making everyone as unhappy as she is. I call her Mal as in Malcontent. Now that the noise gauntlet has been thrown I feel it is incumbent upon me to be sensitive and vigilante to her non-work related visitors. And I don't think she knows how unnerving her incessant throat clearing is. Well, what's good for one is good for all. Now, mind you, I was totally unaware that I was humming. And if I was it wasn't very loud. Bookworm says I hum but not constantly and not a lot. I caught up with her late in the day blowing her nose away from her cube so as not to incur the wrath of Mal. I am not that nice. In fact I have a cold on top of allergies so I plan on blowing my nose and coughing all day. What she gonna do? What kind of supervisor would take that kind of complaint seriously? Now my supervisor is out until the 20th so Mal may try to run roughshod over me. I plan to email my boss and go to Mal's supervisor and get them to tell her to back off, retire or both. They pack all of Tech Services into a space design for half that many people and expect us all to play nice like adults...NOT. Mal has always been the center of her own world and how she managed to bring a child into this world is beyond be, much less raise that child without a boatload of neuroses. Mal is just that, a malcontent. Spreads misery in her wake. While I will try to be more mindful of my humming, I will not back off and go to the rest room or the Cyber Cafe to blow my nose. So bite me baby!!!

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