Sunday, August 24, 2014

I'm back

Yes, after an almost two week hiatus I am back. Seems an arthritis drug, Methotrexate, and I don't see eye to eye. First came the lost of appetite, then the canker sores in the throat, then the persistent cough, the wrong antibiotic, that morphed into a flare of colitis, which made me afraid, very afraid, to cough, which resulted in bronchitis, more antibiotics and a ten pound weight loss in two weeks. The flare of colitis has subsided, but the cough lingers on and I am sure it will annoy Mal to the extreme, but hey, I can't help it and I have almost deplete my sick time so I have to get back to work. I was so sick I even cancelled a Hyphen appointment and mandolin lessons as I have been too tired to practice or concentrate. But I am back. Someday the appetite may return. I am trying to eat favorite things, but mostly was tastes good is potatoes, baked, with butter and sour cream. Brody's Mom was great to me this weekend, picking me up dinner yesterday and getting me to KFC today for mashed potatoes and gravy. I can eat a spoonful every three hours or so. I have been keeping fluids up thanks to Gastric who has provided me with juices galore. But basically still nothing seems or tastes appealing so I am going my favorite foods. It's been so bad that I haven't had my favorite food group, pizza, since the onset of the troubles. But I am ready to get back to work. Bored with TV and feeling like a slug. So I will report back tomorrow on how I did my first day back. No one has done my work for me so I am going back to a hornet's nest of lists from over two weeks ago. Tomorrow also I will resume practicing the mandolin and although I won't have a lesson for two weeks I should be back to playing full time by then. Okay, I am going to try and eat some taters and gravy. See ya maƱana.

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