Saturday, August 2, 2014

What we forget (and what others have forgotten)

It struck me as I was watching a cooking show, wherein a baby was being handed around and being "loved"that we all came into this world being loved unconditionally by someone, be that parents or grandparents, aunts or uncles, sisters or brothers or all of the above. What we have forgotten is that we were once all loved, unconditionally, by someone. That unconditional love we should have experienced as a baby is somehow lost in the process of growing up and old. How grand it would be to experience that unconditional love again. That's all. That's my thought for the day. How great if we could always experience that unconditional love from another person in our lives. I am not speaking of a "religious" love, but the actual humankind of love. How marvelous to be passed around from person to person, being cooed over by an adoring fan base. We may all once have experienced it but it has been lost over time. You are loved, you are loved, you are loved.

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